About Us


The admission of new members is subject to the approval of the membership meeting. Members may be:

  • Founding Members: founding members are physical or legal persons who sign the articles of incorporation of the association or who within 12 months of incorporation apply for founding membership.
  • Ordinary Members: ordinary members are those physical or legal persons who share the objectives of the association. They can be infrastructure managers, public administrations, research organizations, universities, notified bodies, notifying authorities, testing laboratories.
  • Associate Members: adherent members are physical and legal persons who share the objectives of the association. They can be manufacturers, installers, engineering companies.
  • Honorary Members: honorary members are the physical and legal persons who share the objectives of the association. They’re physical and legal persons with proven experience in the field of road safety, third sector entities or recognized associations may be honorary members.

Founding Members

Honorary Member

Ordinary Members

Associate Members