Executive Committee

Eng. Ottavia Calamani
Eng. Ottavia Calamani began her work experience in the field of infrastructure and road safety while earning her master’s degree in civil engineering. In the course of her work experience she specialized on safety barriers and on the evaluation of the correct installation on embankment of side edge barriers. Her active role in the field of research and development of new technologies has allowed her to be an inventor of different patents on the subject.

Eng. Maurizio Palermo
Engineer Maurizio Palermo, since graduating in mechanical engineering, has continued his in-depth studies specializing in the field of monitoring, inspection and design for the improvement of Road and Infrastructure Safety and by obtaining a Master degree in road safety. His commitment to supporting the development of new products and research projects led him to become a project manager of complex inspection jobs and allowed him to participate in conferences, workshops and training courses of the most important industry associations.