
Technical Committee

The Technical Committee consists of 5 to 9 members who from among themselves appoint a president and vice-president. The Technical Committee may appoint one or more Technical Committees to study certain specific issues. Technical Committees consist of a number of people deemed ideonee to carry out their purpose.


Eng. Marco Anghileri


Eng. Simone Cantoni

Working Group

WP1 – Round Robin: Influence of light vehicle model in the determination of accelerometric indices in EN 1317

Eng. Massimo Cucchietti

Eng. Stefano Fraschetti

WP2 – Identification of Vehicles representative of the fleet on the road in Europe as of 2023

WP3 – Speeds and angles of impact more representative of road accidents in relation to new road design concepts and accident against I RRS

WP4 – IntOroadS is preparing a proposed guideline for the correct and organic application of EN1317-5 with regard to product modifications

Eng. Stefano Calamani

WP5 – Shared approach for the study of modifications by resorting to computational mechanics

Eng. Stefano Fraschetti

Eng. Marco Mancini