Third International Conference on Road Safety
SAVE THE DATE – November 9 and 10, 2023.
“The evolution of road equipments for a sustainable and safe future. What will change on urban and extra-urban roads?”
An event organized in collaboration with the (ERF) European Union Road Federation and AISICO, under the patronage of PIARC Italia, FEVR – European Federation for Road Victims and AIFVS – Italian Association of Families and Road Victims.

The first day of work will take place in Rome, at MAXXI – National Museum of 21st Century Arts, where innovation and architecture meet, within the spaces of the national museum centre dedicated to contemporary arts.
8:30 – 9:00am Registration atMAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti
del XXI secolo
9:00 – 9:30am Opening remarks and opening of proceedings, moderated by Marina Capocelli (Editor-in-Chief of Strade & Autostrade)
9:30 -11:00am First session – Round table with moderator Davide Vecchi (Director of Il Tempo): Update road legislation in terms of sustainability and safety
11:00 – 11:30am Coffee Break
11:30am – 1:00pm Second session: The need for safety of road users in relation to the present situation
1:00 – 2:30pm Lunch at Mediterraneo Restaurant – MAXXI
2:30 – 4:00pm Third session – Round table with moderator Pierluigi Bonora (ACI Radio Director): Present and future actions to improve road safety and increase infrastructure sustainability
4:00 – 5:30pm Fourth session: Efficient solutions in terms of sustainability and technology to create safer roads
5:30 – 6:00pm Questions and closing time
6:30 – 8.30pm Exclusive guided tour of MAXXI
8:30 – 11:00pm Networking dinner at Mediterraneo Restaurant
The conference sessions:
- “Update road legislation in terms of sustainability and safety” una tavola rotonda con le istituzioni e le associazioni con moderatore, la sicurezza stradale dal punto di vista politico/sociale
- “The need for safety of road users in relation to the present situation“ discuteremo degli sviluppi della normativa
- “Present and future actions to improve road safety and increase infrastructure sustainability” coinvolgeremo i gestori delle strade, per conoscere le azioni presenti e future per rendere le infrastrutture e le strade più sostenibili e sicure
- “Efficient solutions in terms of sustainability and technology to create safer roads” dedicata ai produttori nazionali e internazionali che illustreranno le innovazioni del mercato

The second day, on 10 November, will be held at the AISICO Test House & Lab in Pereto (AQ) where it will be possible to attend a crash test.
10:00 – 10:30am Registration at Test House & LAB AISICO
10:30 – 11:15am Welcome coffee
11.30am – Crash Test
12:30pm – Light Lunch at AISICO Test House & LAB
2:30 – 3:00pm – Closing time